A work placement on Malta
On Saturday, 27th May 2023 we started our four week adventure from MUC airport to Valetta, Malta. The students of the class IN 11c (Industriekaufleute mit Zusatzqualifikation Fremdsprachen) were rather excited. The LH-flight took about two hours.
The first week, our 20 students were busy attending English lessons at the ESE language school in St. Julian’s.
From the second week on the students did their practical training with different Maltese companies. During the job interviews the local personnel managers were very delighted to have such high-qualified young people to support them for a period of three weeks.
Our students got used to their new work environment and they were working from Monday to Friday speaking English only. At the weekends they enjoyed their free-time and some of the students went on sight-seeing tours, for example to Valetta or Medina. On 3rd June, the students enjoyed an organised day-trip to Gozo by coach and boat.
However, staying on Malta can be rather expensive, because the costs of living are higher than back home. Surving on a self-catering basis made the stay even more challenging.
The trip was accompanied by Tanja Schmid,Thomas Forster, Eva Schatz and myself.
All in all, one can say that being away from home doing a work placement is a great experience. Many thanks to Thomas Forster, our Head of the English department, and Simon Agius,
the Head of the ESE language school, for organising this outstanding project, which was financed by ERASMUS +. In addition to this, we thank our independent and well-behaved students. With you, this working holiday was more pleasure than work.
Elke Sterz, StDin